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Rangiri Dambulla Central College is a National School which is in Galewela Education Zone. It is Situated in Dambulla City in Matale District & Central Province of Sri Lanka. It is the Leading School in Galewela Zone. Ranking in a High Position in National level, too ...

Rangiri Dambulla Central College

Our Vission

Our Mission

අපේ දැක්ම

අපේ මෙහෙවර

If there’s a subject that parallaty walks along with fordeveloping and past making World that’s non other than ‘Information Communication Technology. There is no sing of transferring this crown to another subject in future.With the populating of this subject the people will have to with draw themselves From the lazy life style and admit themselves to a whole new word. We would not be able to stop sweeping our selves away from the fast moving World; If we do not understand this crystal truth of the value of I.CT.In the effort we make to make our students ready to face the challenges a Head we can’t forget the dedication of the I. C. T. Teachers. It’s indeed appreciated And honored.Giving our school a chance to get accessed to the Internet in this New year is lighting valued and appreciated. I would like to offer my sincere thanks to the teachers of I.T.&thestudentshow shouadered this heavy & valubletask on behalf of all of CP/G/R.D.C.C. Principal of School.

▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ ICT Unit of the School and Technology Section Boys ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
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Dambulla. Sri Lanka.